Other Swamis of Advaita Vedanta
There are a number of recent Swamis giving wonderful talks at AVG and other retreats and their recordings are available on youtube and elsewhere.
Below is a sample listing of some of these talks that give a glimpse of their wonderful wisdom and style of presenting it.Do send me feedback about these at raj.paripatyadar@gmail.com
Below is a sample listing of some of these talks that give a glimpse of their wonderful wisdom and style of presenting it.Do send me feedback about these at raj.paripatyadar@gmail.com
Sw BrahmaprakashnanadaSw SvarupanandaJ KrishnamurtiSri Sri Ravi Shankar
Swamini Brhamaprakashananda
Swamini at AVG 2019
Swami Svarupananda
Swamiji uses the Manisha Panchakam book by Swami Viditatmananda
Manisha Panchakam Playlist – Phoenix 2019
Ashtavakra Samhita Talks
J Krishnamurti
Best of Krishnamurti
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Talks