Shri Vijay Kapoor took Pujya Swami Dayananda Saraswati as his guru at a family camp the very first year Swamiji came to the US. Later, Shri Kapoor was one of the pioneers to establish the 3 year course taught by Pujya Swamiji in Piercy, California, started in 1979. To attend this course, he left his job from marketing management in Hewlett-Packard and moved his entire family to live in Piercy. Shri Vijay Kapoor serves on the board of directors and officers of the Arsha Vidya Gurukulam. (
Gratitudes to Vijayji (June 22nd 2017)
Today is a very special day and I welcome you all. In Swamiji’s esteemed presence we would like to honor our dearest Guruji Shri Vijay Kapporji. We fondly call him as our Guruji and Vijayji, but in reality he is so much more to all of us. He is our friend, our bandhu and our guide. He has helped us all navigate through the challenges in our lives and always shown us the correct path without judgement or prejudice.
Viyayji, your teaching every week are a source of inspiration, commitment and knowledge, sort of like a booster shot which keeps us aware of our priorities and progress towards complete clarity about our selves. You are here for us whether rain or shine and we appreciate your commitment and sacrifice for all that you do. We must thank Pammi, for being so supportive of the time you spend on the preparation and teaching us so tirelessly week after week. I can only say that we are the most fortunate to have come to you with the grace of Ishwara and the punyas of past lives to continue our own spiritual journeys. I would request Swamiji to please say a few words and present you with this book that in a very small way expresses the gratitude, sentiments and love of all of us, your students. May you always be blessed with health and vitality so that we may continue to benefit from your teaching. Harih Om.
Example recent talks.
One Year advanced course based Dakshinamurti Stotram, started Feb, 2019.
See class page for more details. Tuesdays from 7:30 pm to 9.00, AVC Class room, 691 S. Milpitas Blvd.
Flyer for Dakshinamurti Stotram class
Dakshinamurti Stotram PDF – overview – Vijay Kapoor
Special Talk on Memorial Weekend 2019

BGita Chp 18 #61
ईश्वरः सर्वभूतानां हृद्देशे अर्जुन तिष्ठति | भ्रामायन्सर्वभूतानि यन्त्रारूढानि मायया ||
The Lord remains at the seat of the intellect of all beings, Arjuna, causing all beings to move, revolve, by (the magic of his) maya, (like) those (figures) which are mounted on a machine (are made to revolve).