Arsha Vidya Center is sustained solely by charitable donations. It is a traditional center that charges no fees for classes given by Shri Vijay Kapoor and lectures given by Swamiji’s during their annual visits to the Bay Area. All donations to AVC are used for ongoing expenses for the classes and related arrangements. Such donations are tax deductible. Please Donate Online to Support us

Donations can be made in several ways:

a) Use the above form.
b) Online cash transfer by Zelle, to (no bank fees)
c) Pay by Paypal account to  (some bank fees apply)
d) Lastly by sending checks (we are trying to move away from checks). Please send to: “Arsha Vidya Center”, 28615 Matadero Creek Ct, Los Altos Hills, CA 94022
Shri Vijay Kapoor  can be contacted at

Or for general assistance, contact or call 408 476 1638