Swamini Svatmavidyanandaji was recently presented with the “Grateful2guru’ award from Indica Academy, by Swami Viditatmanandaji (photo).

Current Talks by Swaminiji

For details on current talks and information, please visit
Swaminiji’s  Website link
Youtube channel for Videos
A Taste of Mundaka – Verse 2.2.9: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HACsboUdHxM

How Not To Grieve – a Verse from Kathopanishad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpuWiC-fPuY


For your convenience, use this link for Gurudakshina Donation
You can indicate “SFBay Area” for reference.


Sept 4th, AVC Talk, 7pm to 8.30pm -completed

Title: Self-Knowledge in Day to Day Life
This talk will address the connections between self-knowledge and everyday life. How does the person of self-knowledge (jñānī) negotiate the everyday world? How does one who has kicked duality in the face due to the complete assimilation of the knowledge that one is non-separate from Brahman, the cause of the Universe, continue to live in that duality?  How does the person, who dismisses the jagat as a projection, actively participate in the jagat without being affected by it? Finally, how does a wise person juggle the knowledge of everything having “as-though” existence, yet taking seriously one’s dharma, duties, and work for the welfare of all? Culling from the wisdom of the primary and secondary texts of the tradition in the form of the Upanishads, the Gita, the Brahmasutra, and the Jivan Mukti Viveka, Swaminiji will unfold the nature of self-knowledge and its relationship to the empirical reality of everyday life.

Dont miss the opportunity to see and hear the talk.


Swamini Svatmavidyanandaji was recently presented with the “Grateful2guru’ award from Indica Academy, by Swami Viditatmanandaji (photo).

Swamini Svatmavidyananda Saraswati is a long-term disciple of Pujya Swami Dayanandaji.  Swamini Svatmavidyananda teaches and travels internationally, sharing her knowledge of Vedanta and Sanskrit at many institutions of repute such Sivananda Ashrams in California and Bahamas, and Yogaville, VA, and Zen meditation centers. Additionally, Swaminiji also teaches annually  at the Arsha Vidya Gurukulam, in Saylorsburg, PA. She is the Acharya of the Arsha Vijnana Gurukulam, founded by Pujya Swamiji in 2004, which has teaching centers in Atlanta, GA,  Eugene, OR, Washington DC, Detroit, MI, Milwaukee, WI, and Fort Meyers, FL. More information about classes and activities can be accessed here: www.arshavm.org and www.livestream.com/Swaminiji

As a founding member of the “Global Women’s Peace Initiative,” Swaminiji travels globally addressing the ever-increasing ecological and spiritual challenges that face humanity in a global ethos.  An erudite scholar, Swaminiji addresses contemporary challenges facing the world, from global warming to religious/social unrest, in her unfolding of the Upanishads, the foundational spiritual texts of the Hindu tradition.

Optional  Guru Dakshina for Swamini Svatmavidyananda

WebsitesDocumentsAudio TalksVideosDescription & TextsGalleryBiographyBlog

Swamini  Svatmavidyananda  Websites

For ongoing talks and latest information please visit

Swaminiji’s  Website link 
Youtube channel for Videos

Access recording of online classes Here

Sukta  May 2023 newsletter

Swamini Visits during 2018 and early 2019 and students impressions are captured nicely in this newsletter.
Sukta Winter Newsletter 2019

Swamini  Svatmavidyananda  Audio

Swamini Satsang audio at Pari 10-27-2019

Sept 11 2019 visit Talks in SFBA

Satyam Gyanam Anantam Brahma

June 2019 visit Talks in SFBA

Vedanta and Mindful Living

Swaminiji did another talk in San Jose on June 17th at the CSE center at 6.00pm on  Ancient Secrets – Peaceful Mind.



Assimilating Vedanta Audios  
These talks are very pertinent and practical teachings  from Upanishads and Bhagawad Gita and categorized into: Sthiti prajna, Prayer and Prayerfulness, Mastering Gunas, Discovering Shraddha, Samshayatma Vinashati and Viparita Bhavana

Jan 2019 visit Talks in SFBA

Adhyasa Bhashya Text
Adhyasa Bhashya  Morning Retreat Talks

Prasadum flash drive Talks

“Here is an e-prasad for you —a series of 9 talks under the umbrella title of “Assimilating Vedanta.”  given out after evening talks on 1/20/2019  Assimilating Vedanta Talks

“Here is an e-prasad for you —a series of 27 talks  on   “Maitrayaniya Upanishad”  given out after evening talks on 1/21/2019 Maitrayaniya Upanishad Talks

Other Talks:

Satsang talk on Dec 1st 2018

Swaminiji’s Audio Talks from the Sivananda Ashram Retreat are available here:

Other Audio Lectures 

Swamini  Svatmavidyananda  Videos

Youtube channel for Videos

Sad Darshanam Video Playlist (Bay Area 2024)
Swamini’s  talk on Sad Darshanam on all verses (2023)
Sad Darshanam Text

Adhyatma Ramayana Video Playlist

See Swamini’s wonderful New years Message poem, “Minding the Mind”
Minding the Mind Text
Minding the Mind video

includes Satyam Gyanam Anatam Brahma

YouTube player

Adhyasa Bhasya Weekend Retreat Video Jan 2019  Talks

YouTube player

Vedanta Dindimah Jan 2019 Video Talks

YouTube player

See Swamini’s extensive collection of talks on the Livestream channel  www.livestream.com/swaminiji

Evening Vedanta Dindimah Talks 

Vedānta-Ḍiṇḍima is a profound and beautiful text that unfolds the truth of the self. Composed in the 15th C by Swami Naṛsimha Saraswati, a Shankaracharya in the Sringeri lineage, Vedānta-Ḍiṇḍima excels as a prakaraṇa-grantha –a text that systematically expounds the message of the Upaniṣads along with its pedagogy. The word “ḍiṇḍima” means “drumbeat.” In 94 verses, the text proclaims the essential teachings of Vedānta in a sonorous and easily assimilable manner.

Please print the first 3 pages of this PDF as the collateral text for the Talk

Vedanta Dindimaḥ Text


Adhyāsa in Vedānta, 3-Day Morning Retreat
The apparent contradiction between the truth of oneself as limitless and non-dually whole and one’s everyday reality mired in saṃsāra is due to what Adi Shankara famously termed as “adhyāsa” or subjective projection in his renowned introduction to the Brahmasutra. In this 3 retreat, Swami Svatmavidyananda will expound the gist of Adi Shankara’s introductory bhāṣya with a view to gaining a clearer understanding of the difference between Īśvara-sṛṣṭi and jīva-sṛṣṭi. The former is the manifest empirical reality in the form of the jagat, non-separate from Īśvara, while the latter is a subjective projection of one’s own rāga-dveṣa that instantaneously converts the jagat into a source of fear and sorrow. Knowing Īśvara-sṛṣṭi as Īśvara, the truth of oneself, one is never bound; not knowing jīva-sṛṣṭi as a personal projection, one can never be free.

Please print the following PDF as the collateral for the Talks

Adhyasa Bhashya Text

Swamini  Svatmavidyananda Picture Gallery


Swamini  Svatmavidyananda  Biography

Swamini Svatmavidyananda Saraswati is a long-term disciple of Pujya Swami Dayanandaji, and had the rare privilege to study and travel with him all over the world for over a decade. Pujya Sri Swami Dayanandaji Saraswati was an internationally known Acharya of Vedanta and the founder of the All India Movement for Seva (AIM for Seva), a non-profit enabling rural Indian children to receive a proper education. Swamini Svatmavidyananda teaches and travels internationally, sharing her knowledge of Vedanta and Sanskrit at many institutions of repute such Sivananda Ashrams in California and Bahamas, and Yogaville, VA, and Zen meditation centers. Additionally, Swaminiji also teaches annually  at the Arsha Vidya Gurukulam, in Saylorsburg, PA. She is the Acharya of the Arsha Vijnana Gurukulam, founded by Pujya Swamiji in 2004, which has teaching centers in Atlanta, GA,  Eugene, OR, Washington DC, Detroit, MI, Milwaukee, WI, and Fort Meyers, FL. More information about classes and activities can be accessed here: www.arshavm.org and www.livestream.com/Swaminiji

As a founding member of the “Global Women’s Peace Initiative,” Swaminiji travels globally addressing the ever-increasing ecological and spiritual challenges that face humanity in a global ethos.  An erudite scholar, Swaminiji addresses contemporary challenges facing the world, from global warming to religious/social unrest, in her unfolding of the Upanishads, the foundational spiritual texts of the Hindu tradition.

Closing remarks at Adhyasa Bashya Retreat, Jan 2019,

by Zarina Kaji

HariH om Swaminiji
Harih om everyone.Our short yet very enjoyable time with you Swamini is coming to an end and I speak on behalf of everyone here ,that it has indeed been a weekend of
gaining many insights into the teachings of Vedanta. Swamini ,your teaching is succinct and easily understandable with some examples we have heard before and many others which were new. You shed light on principles of Satyam and Mithya with examples like the shadow of yourself and yourself. You kept us engaged with your humor and rhymes always getting back to the point you were making with finesse and skill, like our dear Pujya Swamiji. With the study of the Adhyasa Bhashya from the Brahmasutra, we learnt to break the associated, patterned thinking that plagues our mind and instead cultivate clear thinking by staying in the present moment.
With clarity, we understand the need to create space between ourself, the atma, and the mind the anatma and not permit it to take us for a ride. Your explanation of the Purvapakshi as being none other than our own unconscious duality lurking in our minds, often shrouded by our shradhha was an “ah ha” moment for myself. i used to think that the purvapakshis were other people who only wanted to stir up conflicts and create misunderstanding., I stand corrected with your explanation. Your apt descriptions of the purusharthas of Dharma, arsha and kama which all ultimately resolve into the purushartha for Maksha is reassuring to us who are here on this path., to understand that Moksha is a sidhha vastu , praptasya PraptiH, not requiring action or effort ., just understanding.
You clarified for us the nature of the imminent Sat as the all pervading presence of Brahman in the jagat and the trancedental Sat which is asanga and remains untouched.
That the imminent Sat along with Maya Shakti manifests as the jagat which is Mithya but in reality is none other than the Trancedental Sat which is asanga and the truth of all, the Atma. Thus proving that Satyam and Mithya belong to two orders of reality and have nothing in common.

In meditation we contemplated, the glory of the Ishwara as the marvelous Creator of the physiological and physical order of our bodies and minds. May we learn to accept and surrender to the infallible order that is Ishwara, regarding events in our lives, our relationships and see the dissolution of the hrdaya granthi in our hearts as we see more and more of Ishwara and less and less of the “i.” You taught us not to take our selves so seriously., Knowing all this is the insidious adhyasa and not the Truth., understanding the collective power of avarna and vikshepa of Maya Shakti.  The Jiwa’s vikshepa Shakti being adhyasa. The unconscious mind with frozen childhood needs, is the source of the avarna shakti in the jiwa.
On the collective level, we must remove the avarna and on the individual level we need to remove the projection or vikshepa. We are grateful and fortunate to be here to reconcile our inner child ‘s unmet needs. May we see the error of our ways by knowing that the aham and idam are at two separate levels on reality., that aham and Idam can never be the same.,
With the classic rope snake example, you showed us the power of adhyasa with the äaropa of the snake in the adhishthana, the rope. Similarly, for the jiwatma, the adhyasa is on the Sat Chit Ananda atma because we project the anatma attributes upon the infinite atma as the atma ni anatma adhyasa. Similarly there is the adhyasa of anatmani atma adhyasa where we project the infinite on the finite. Th Adhyasa disappears once the truth of the rope is known., In Gyana adhyasa, once the doership disappears, like in a gyani who knows the truth as Sat chit Ananda atma, but who may as though continue to function in vyavahara. Resolving this mix up is the atma gyanam which we are all seeking.
May we with your Guru Krupa know that Moksha is my SwarupaH and purnatvam my Reality. As our guru, you have shone the light of knowledge upon the adhyasa, the collectively projected false reality , that dispels the darkness of self ignorance.
We are indeed blessed and humbly bow down to your lotus feet with reverence and love as we continue our shravanam, mananam and nididhyasanam to sharpen and clarify our understanding of the shastra .


Closing remarks at Vedanta Dindimah Talks, Jan 2019,

by Chaula Joshi

Respected Swaminiji, Shri Vijayji and all fellow students, my name is Chaula Joshi and I have been a student of Vedanta from a Arsh Vidya gurukulam parmpara, learning Vedanta for a number of years, participating in the regular classes with Shri Vijay Kapoorji.

Swamini Svatmavidyanandaji is a disciple of Pujya Sri Swami Dayananda Saraswatiji, who was an internationally renowned master and traditional teacher of Vedanta. I am extremely blessed to be sitting in front of You Swaminiji and listen to these 2 days very short but precise message of Vedanta Dindimah. On behalf of Arsh Vidya Centre and from all of us we owe you a debt of gratitude for all that you have done to teach us your wisdom of self knowledge. Your simplicity of examples, explaining why we should learn Vedanta, and the importance of attaining the goal of Moksha has been marvelous. Your explanation of what is Vedanta ? and what is students nishtha ? To become adhikari we have to cultivate Shraddha in to Śaštra and guru . Get clarity and understanding cognize from Shravanam. Your explanation on background given to us on above topic and The background of author Shankara from Shringeri math wrote these powerful 94 verses and importance of Vedanta Dindimah is very useful.

A student, who has to qualify himself by asking who am I? I am unhappy, I am bhogi , these wrong notions has to be dropped. Cultivate in to total Shraddha towards this teachings.  Thank you for bringing this morning meditation examples of relationship and how to see Ishwara in everything was discussed and at first it was not clear but by today I understood, if you reduce the expectation of others , automatically, it is easier to see Ishwara in everything.  by not expecting out of another person. It allows me to create this space and see oneness with Ishwara. By Mananam, I increase my awareness.

Your sense of humor and making students engaged in the questions make the delivery of the knowledge and message were very interesting. Your explanation of self ignorance in existence and non existence is very clear. Objects, situations in Jagat is Niether existence or non existence , it is in-between and therefore it is Mithya is clearly understood. I seek my blessings from you Swaminiji and all of my Gurus to continue with my spiritual growth and keep nishkam bhavna and give my seva.

Hari OM!