Please access the Class audios via this link
Some additional collateral text material can be found in its subfolder.
Video Playlist
Class notes:
Please check this link for any updated version also.
PDF format:
- Dakshinamurti-Stotram-ongoing-class-notes 032619
- Dakshinamurti Stotram – ongoing class notes PDF _03102019
- Class 4 Intro to Vedanta-2 PDF 08062019
Word format
- Dakshinamurti-Stotram-ongoing-class-notes 032619
- Dakshinamurti Stotram – ongoing class notes Word_03102019
- class notes Word 08062019
Other materials
Reference info:
- A copy of the 10 verses, for chanting. Will send it to you later
- A pdf of a book by Mangesh Dhruva Bhise, a disciple of Swami Tadatmananda, himself being a disciple of Swami Dayananda. pdf attached above. We will make a decision to get copies of the book, if available, or just make copies ourselves
- Book A: Book by Swami Tattvavidananda. I recommend everyone has this. We have 23 copies available. Depending upon how many people want this, will order extra copies.
- Book B:Book on Dakshinamurti Stotram and Manasollasa (sri Sureshwaracarya’s excellent commentary on his guru’s work). English translation by Alladi Mahadeva Shastri. I am not planning to take the Manasollasa verse by verse. Instead I will take the essential concepts from it, and present my own thoughts based on them. Nevertheless, those of you that are interested the verses themselves, this is an excellent book. It is not available in US. I have only few extra copies left (maybe 3-4). Will need to get from India. Not absolutely necessary to get this.
- Book C:The same as #4, but this is in Hindi, and has detailed notes from Swami Maheshananda (unlike the English one that only has verse translations). This is the book that clarified the concepts for me. I love this book and recommend it for students that know Hindi, and are interested in detailed study. Need to get from India. Will take time.
So based on the above, please send me an email and tell if you would like Book A, Book B and Book C. Then we will make efforts to get them asap.
Shri Dakshinamurti Stotram:
– it is an ancient text, traditionally regarded by scholars of Vedänta as capturing the essence of Advaita Vedänta well, meaning an excellent insight into our lives, our aspirations and advice on being happy
– it is so highly regarded that the entire text of 10 verses is chanted before the study of Brahma Sutras, which is the ultimate treatise on Vedänta, composed by the sage Vyasa
– each verse reveals the person behind our personality, the actor behind the role
How the course will be taught:
– each class will consist of chanting, a discourse explaining the verse, and Q&A
– the classes will also be live streamed on YouTube, and both video and audio recordings will be available
– there will be, on average, 4 classes for each of the 10 verses
– chanting will transition from learning to chant, practicing and then committing to memory
– text and commentaries, on which discourses will be based, will be available
– each segment of 4 classes will end with one or more meditations to internalize the essence of verses
– students are expected to submit a brief report at the end of each verse
– teaching will be in English, with liberal use of Sanskrit
-To be notified of live streaming of classes, go to AVC Bay Area YouTube channel and click “subscribe” on the right hand side. Please visit for background and previous recordings.
Expectations from the students:
– all are welcome, but students with prior study of Vedänta will be preferred
– some familiarity with Sanskrit will be desirable
– all students will need to pre-register. Please register by sending an email to New students please include an introduction of yourself – your professional background and previous experience of Vedänta study
– unless students are located far from Milpitas, live presence is expected. Occasional absences will need to be made up by viewing stored video on YouTube
Expectations from the course:
– at a minimum, you will gain an insight into the desired goal of life, and a well laid-out plan to reach it
– you will gain independence from the uncertainties of life, and insulation from pin-pricks of unpleasant experiences
– you will gain an introduction to the teaching method of age-old Vedic sastras, so that you can deepen your study going forward.
– Please note that there is no charge for the course.
Hello, These lectures were recommended by a good friend mind who speaks highly of them. Since I have missed the boat, I was trying to download them but getting network error. Is there an alternate location I can download form?