Tenets of Hinduism and Bhagavad Gita Chapter 7
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Bhagavad Gita Chapter 7
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 6
Thank you so much for your beautiful pdf on the Core Tenets of Hinduism. It has made me feel better prepared to begin chapter seven.
Loran, I am happy you have already gone through the document, and you find it informative. Vijay
May I share pdf to my College and High school WhatsApp group? I will provide brief reference.
Harih Om
Arvind, of course. you may.
Dear Vijay-ji,
These questions came from watching your July 13 and 20 lectures.
You spoke about everything being god, and about reconciling good and evil with this. I didn’t quite follow the explanation in terms of good and evil actions (or karma and karma-phala) in light of this premise. Don’t these come from different levels of understanding of the universe (as a human versus the Self)?
A related question: what is a good way to study vedanta systematically? You’d mentioned six levels of vedic literature. Would you recommend that we start with the prakarna grantha and work our way up?
Chandra is right. Since there have been so few questions, I tend not to look too often. But I can and will.
We will go over this in due course, but here is a brief explanation. According to Vedanta, there in no conflict with good and bad being ascribed to God. God is by nature good, but non-understanding of this inherent goodness by individuals creates problems. There is no creation, if he possibility of wrong actions are not there. Yo cannot create a drama without the opposites. Fortunately, the drama is exactly what it is – a play. it all ends well for everyone. So mistakes are at the jiva’s level. The laws, sort of like the script of the play, are of course at Ishvara’s level.
Re. a systematic study, I would recommend a course sstarting with a text called ‘Tattva Bodha’ I will give details on it soon.
OM. Vijay
Ashwin ji,
If possible please email Vijay ji with your questions. He responds to emails much faster.
Harih Om.
I heard you mention in class last week, how to find a time to speak with you. I cannot see a link on the right side of my screen. I may have this wrong since I didn’t write it down. Would you please answer me here. I am guessing others might like to use this forum for signing up for a time.
On a PC screen, on the right site you will see a “One on One with Sri Vijay Kapoor” link to a spreadsheet to sign up for personal time.
On a mobile phone, you will see these sections when you scroll to the bottom of the screen.
Thank you. I didn’t realize it was on the home screen!