Saturday and Tuesday classes are livestreamed online at AVC BayArea Youtube channel.
Quick Links for Classes
- To see Menu selections on Phones, turn phone to landscape mode or turn ON Desktop site.
- Latest Class videos click here.
- Video Playlists click here
- Index of AVC Talks click here.
- For notification of Live Youtube streaming, click this link AVC BayArea YouTube channel and click “subscribe” on the right hand side.
Guru Dakshina for Vijayji’s classes and AVC expenses can be given here
Guru Dakshina
Alternatively: use Zelle to transfer money by email to “”
Comprehensive online course of Vedanta based on Mandukya Karika.
Sat 8.30-10.00 am, and Tue 8.30-10.00 am – Mandukya Upanisad with Karika.
Class Videos, Class Texts, Class Transcripts, Swami A PDFs
Register by sending email to (give your background)
First, Mandukya itself is considered to be an advanced Upanisad. It starts by stating OM, the unique name of Isvara, as the essence of the entire experience of everyone at all times. It goes on to explain this in merely 12 mantras. Even so, this remains merely a promise, not yet a reality for students. The Karika is a great step in fulfilling that promise.
Shiva Sankalpa Sukta (course is completed)
Class Videos, Class Texts
The importance of the hymn Shiva Sankalpa Sukta is revealed by its presence in several Upanisads. See the texts and Videos for chanting practice also.
Click on the link to go to AVCBayarea – Live classes channel on Youtube for “Live streams” page > click on the “live” class video that may be running -> make your presence known on Chat window using the chat text space below the Chat window.
Index of all AVC Talks, click here.
Subscribe to the AVC BayArea channel so you can receive notifications on when a class has started by clicking on “Subscribe” button or the “bell” icon at home page.
Guru Dakshina for Vijayji’s classes can be given here
Guru Dakshina Alternatively: use Zelle to transfer money by email to “”
Sanskrit Classes and Resources
Knowing sanskrit is beneficial in deeper understanding, assimilating and remembering of Vedanta teachings. There are several resources for learning.
Kumud Singhal has taught Sanskrit in the local Bay Area for several years. See this page for the extensive details, about learning the language, and various resources available. She has published some excellent and enjoyable books.
Self Study Satsang Groups
Participating in self study satsang groups is a good way to stay immersed in the Vedanta language. Groups can be formed per your experiences or locations.
a) Swami Parmarthatnanda has suggested a sylable of classes to study in a particular order See this chart. The PDFs of the Upanisads are located here.
You may download an Android App called “Sastraprakasika” and purchase the digital audios, either for self study or group study.
b) Contact Kumar Padmini to enquire about joining a BGita study group.
Children’s Classes and Resources
a) AVBG is offering children’s classes at 8 levels, Register Now
The Arsha Vidya Bala-gurukulam (AVBG) Vedic Heritage program is greatly appreciated by all. The program attracted hundreds of students from far and wide, all of whom graduated under the guidance of highly dedicated and experienced teachers. The link is https://balagurukulam.
There are eight levels for children between 6th and 17th years. You or your friends with children in this age group can benefit from this opportunity if they are interested in the Vedic Heritage program.
From: Suddhatma Chaitanya and the BalaGurukulam Team
b) Kumud Singhal has taught children on Hinduism, Culture and Tradition for several years. See this page for extensive details. She has published several very popular, colorful and enjoyable books (available on Amazon) on Hindu Culture and learning Hindi for children. These are highly recommended.
AIM for Seva – Fulfilling and Beneficial Seva opportunities for AVC students
Transforming Rural India, One Child at a Time
Danam – Giving is twice blessed, it blesses the one who gives and the one who receives
Be a Contributor not just a Consumer.
Learn all about the great contributions and positive change affected by our local efforts.
Be a part of the Seva Movement and donate , select “FSHs sponsored by Bay Area”.
See this wonderful short video clip.
Volunteer in our local activities, send email to with your interests. Several programs are underway throughout the year.
AVG Arsha Vidya Gurukulam newsletters and online Talks
Schedule of events. Live broadcast and archived courses link ; Course audio recordings can be purchased at this new AVP media site,
Digital book store Arshavidya India newsletters
Arsha Vidya Swamis followed by Bay Area students
Pujya Swami Dayananda
See page for more about Pujya Swamiji, founder of Arsha Vidya and AIM for Seva organizations, and his Audio / Video recordings
Swami Viditatmananda
See page for more info and Audio / Video recordings
Tribute by Vijay Kapoorji: Swami Viditatmananda as Mahatma
Swamiji’s Video Talks
Swami Tattvavidananda
See page for more info and Audio / Video recordings
Youtube channel for Videos Talks
Atma bodha talks Nov 2022
Swami Paramarthananda
See page for more info and Audio / Video recordings.
Also page for ongoing audio talks on new classes
Get Android App “sastraprakasika”
Swamini Svatmavidyananda
See page for more info and Audio / Video recordings.
Youtube channel Playlists
Living Vedanta Talk on Nov 27th, 2022 in Hayward
Sad Darshanam Video Playlist (Bay Area 2024), Text
Sad Darshanam on all verses (2023)
Adhyatma Ramayana Playlist
Minding the Mind video, Text
Learn more: Swami Muktatmananda – Arsha Vidya Gurukulam
Essence of Bhagawad Gita
Chanting and mantras
Ten Important Shanti Mantras from Upanishads
Other important Vedanta mantras Here
Shiva Rudram Sri-Rudram-Text-Anuvakam-1-11-devanagari-transliteration-translation
Nirvana Shatkam chant with lyrics watch on youtube Link
Audio chant Listen here & Lyrics