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Guru Dakshina for Vijayji’s classes and AVC expenses
Guru Dakshina & AVC expenses
Alternatively: use Zelle to transfer money by email to “AVCbayarea@gmail.com”
Swami Muktatmananda Retreat, April 4-6th 2025
Topic: “Nirvana Shatakam”
Venue: 691 S Milpitas Blvd, Milpitas, CA 95035, (downstairs Main Hall, next to lobby)
REGISTER NOW to reserve your place. Registration is required to plan for (Saturday) lunch, drinks, snacks etc
FLYER share this flyer with friends and family invite them to meet Swamiji.
TEXT of Nirvana Shatakam
Detailed schedule:
Complementary Lunch on Saturday, and snacks and Tea/Coffee will be provided throughout the Retreat.
Please arrive a 10-15 min early and be seated.
Friday, April 4th
Session 1: 7:00pm – 9:00pm
Saturday, April 5th
Session 1: 9:00am – 10:15am
Session 2: 10:30am – 11:45am
Lunch: 11:45am – 1:00pm (Lunch included)
Session 3: 1:15pm – 2:30pm
Session 4: 2.45pm – 4.15pm
Sunday, April 6th
Session 1: 9:00am – 10:15am
Session 2: 10:30am – 12:00pm
Video: https://www.youtube.com/@AVCBayArea/streams, Live (if feasible) or delayed.
Adi Shankaracharya’s Nirvana Shatakam is a group of six verses that talks about how to achieve freedom from all blemishes and deficiencies. These melodious verses reveal the truth that every human being should know. Not knowing my true self creates a problem for myself. These verses, negate what I am not, correct the mistake, and reveal my true self. By negation one becomes free from all blemishes and limitations, and one gains Moksha.
These talks are free of charge. All are welcome to attend. To help with logistics, we request you to register your intent to attend.
Online Guru Dakshina for Swami Muktatmananda
Summer Retreat with Vijayji at AVG
Topic: An advanced Introduction to the Bhagavad Gita
When: Sat May 3 to Sat May 10, 2025
Venue: AVG Ashram, Pennsylvania
Bhagavad Gita is well known as a comprehensive primer for life – human behavior, harmony, growth, adjustments, peaceful existence etc. But it holds an extraordinary promise to the already mature, not just to be happy but to discover ultimate freedom, even from death. For the May retreat, I am working on a focused syllabus that highlights these essential concepts of Self Knowledge in the Gita. I feel my students are well qualified to dive deeper through an immersive one-week experience of live classes, Q&A and guided meditations.
20 of you have already signed up. We will also make travelling worry free through group travel. Please think about this opportunity that comes about rarely. If you have not been to the Saylorsburg ashram, you will be amazed to discover how good the new facilities are. Please send an email to vijaykapoor@gmail.com, if you have any questions.
Vision and Promise of Vedanta –Vijayji
Tue 8.00pm -09.15 pm, Vijay Kapoorji
Rather than following a specific text, this course of study will explore the crucial principles that constitute the essential vision of Vedanta.
Once articulated, these principles, called Tenets of Advaita Vedanta, will also provide references, and explanations of mantras and slokas from the various texts.
Students will be encouraged, even expected, to write down the tenets, references and ideas, and develop a personal booklet.
Students will be encouraged to write down Sanskrit words used in Devanagari as part of their book. A glossary of Sanskrit words used in classes will be provided.
Once completed these classes will help the students to develop a comprehensive understanding of Self Knowledge, written down in their own words. This course will encourage the students to be equipped to teach. This Vedanta glossary may be helpful, refer to it as needed.
Mandukya Karika, Vijayji
Sat 8.30-9.45 am
Class Videos, Class Texts, Class Swami A PDFs
Register by sending email to vijaykapoor@gmail.com (give your background)
Based on Sri Gaudapadacharya’s Karika on Mandukya Upanishad, the classes generally follow Swami Akhanadanandaji’s Hindi discourses on the 4 prakarnas of the Karika.
References to texts are available.
Guru Dakshina for Vijayji’s classes can be given here
Guru Dakshina
Alternatively: use Zelle to transfer money by email to “AVCbayarea@gmail.com
Accessing AVC Classes
Vedanta classes
AVCBayarea – Live classes channel on Youtube for “Live streams” page > click on the “live” class video that may be running -> make your presence known on Chat window using the chat text space below the Chat window.
AVCBayarea -Playlists channel
Archive of all AVC Classes
Special Talks: Kaivalya Upanisad, 2024 Retreat– complete in 18 classes
Subscribe to the AVC BayArea channel so you can receive notifications on when a class has started by clicking on “Subscribe” button or the “bell” icon at home page.
Sanskrit Classes and Resources
Knowing sanskrit is beneficial in deeper understanding, assimilating and remembering of Vedanta teachings. There are several resources for learning.
Kumud Singhal has taught Sanskrit in the local Bay Area for several years. See this page for the extensive details, about learning the language, and various resources available. She has published some excellent and enjoyable books.
Children’s Classes and Resources
a) AVBG is offering children’s classes at 8 levels
The Arsha Vidya Bala-gurukulam (AVBG) Vedic Heritage program is greatly appreciated by all. The program attracted hundreds of students from far and wide, all of whom graduated under the guidance of highly dedicated and experienced teachers. The Registration link is required by August 15th to avoid disappointment
There are eight levels for children between 6th and 17th years. You or your friends with children in this age group can benefit from this opportunity if they are interested in the Vedic Heritage program.
From: Suddhatma Chaitanya and the BalaGurukulam Team
b) Kumud Singhal has taught children on Hinduism, Culture and Tradition for several years. See this page for extensive details. She has published several very popular, colorful and enjoyable books (available on Amazon) on Hindu Culture and learning Hindi for children. These are highly recommended.
Self-Study Satsang Groups
Participating in self study satsang groups is a good way to stay immersed in the Vedanta language. Groups can be formed per your experiences or locations.
a) Swami Parmarthananda has suggested a syllable of classes to study in a particular order See this chart. The PDFs of the Upanisads are located here.
You may download an Android App called “Sastraprakasika” and purchase the digital audios, either for self study or group study.
b) Contact Kumar Padmini at hpalumni73@gmail.com, to enquire about joining a BGita study group.
AIM for Seva – Fulfilling and Beneficial Seva opportunities for AVC students
Transforming Rural India, One Child at a Time
Danam – Giving is twice blessed, it blesses the one who gives and the one who receives
Be a Contributor not just a Consumer.
Learn all about the great contributions and positive change affected by our local https://aimforsevabayarea.org efforts.
Be a part of the Seva Movement and donate , select “FSHs sponsored by Bay Area”.
See this wonderful short video clip.
Volunteer in our local activities, send email to aimforsevaba@gmail.com with your interests. Several programs are underway throughout the year.
AVG Arsha Vidya Gurukulam newsletters and online Talks
See AVG/AVP USA links as below for classes in English:
Schedule of events.
Live and Archived courses
AVP media site– Course recordings
Digital book store
Newsletters Arshavidya India
Arsha Vidya Swamis followed by Bay Area students
We are blessed to have the following AVG Swamis regularly visiting the SF Bay Area for Talks.
Swamini Svatmavidyananda, Swami Muktatmananda and Swami Sachidananda
Newsletters and announcements will be sent.
Chanting and mantras
Shanti Mantras 10 from major Upanishads
Mantras Others
Shiva Rudram Chanting, PDF
Nirvana Shatkam chant with lyrics
Audio chants & Lyrics
contact raj.paripatyadar@gmail.com