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Discussion Page to ask Questions and make sincere comments, by clicking on the comment icon.
Vedanta FAQ documents will be located here too.
Maya Panchakam Retreat Summary Swamini Svatmavidyanandaji May 2020 by Zarina Kaji Pranaams Swamiji for your brilliant exposition of Maya in these 5 verses of the Maya Panchakam, by Adi Guru Sri Shanksracharya. The purpose of every human life is to know the Truth about the Self. This Self knowledge is as-though shrouded by the veil […]
Kathopanishad Retreat 2019 HariH Om Swamiji, HariH Om dear friends. My salutations to all our gurus from Lord Dakshinamutyhi, to AdiGuru Shanksracharya to Pujya Swamiji and you our dearest Swamiji. Our hearts are filled with gratitude and love for your tireless teaching, your clarity and your compassion.You, as our guru, light the lamp of Self […]
Namaste Swamiji and guru bandhus, We began this series on the Chapter 17 with the analysis of the disposition of the mind with the gunas of satva rajas and tamas. This mind can be our friend or our enemy, an obstacle to our natural state of happiness. May we understand that I am the cause of […]
Pranaams Swami Paramatmanandaji, our guru shri Vijay Kapoorji and fellow mumukshu, I speak on behalf of everyone here , how grateful we are to be learning at your lotus feet Swamjji and become immersed in the nectar of atma gyanam with the continuing unfoldment of the drk drshya Viveka Prakarna Grantha at this retreat over the weekend. Your skill […]
Respected Swamiji, shri Vijayji and fellow students, Swami Parmatmanandaji does not need any special introduction , after wonderful week we have spent. I hear all the time that we may have collected lots of punya to be here together to come to vedanta. After listening to your week long upadesha and Atmavicara I do believe, […]
Closing remarks at Adhyasa Bashya Retreat, Jan 2019, by Zarina Kaji HariH om Swaminiji Harih om everyone. Our short yet very enjoyable time with you Swamini is coming to an end and I speak on behalf of everyone here ,that it has indeed been a weekend of gaining many insights into the teachings of Vedanta. Swamini […]
Closing remarks at Vedanta Dindimah Talks, Jan 2019, by Chaula Joshi Respected Swaminiji, Shri Vijayji and all fellow students, my name is Chaula Joshi and I have been a student of Vedanta from a Arsh Vidya gurukulam parmpara, learning Vedanta for a number of years, participating in the regular classes with Shri Vijay Kapoorji. Swamini Svatmavidyanandaji […]
Respected Swamiji, shri Vijayji and all fellow students, Namaste, my name is Chaula Joshi and I have been a student of Vedanta for a number of years, participating in the regular classes with Shri Vijay Kapoor. I am extremely blessed to be sitting in front of You Swamiji and to listen to the week long […]
My Pranam to my Guru and all the Maha Acharyas to the Arsh Vidya Gurukulam. I take this day to great appreciation to all my Gurus. Vijayji, your dedication and determination of teaching us to analyze self , makes a huge difference in our lives. Unless, some of Gruhastha duty or sickness, I look forward […]
HariH OM , It is with a heart filled with love and gratitude that I speak these words on behalf of all of us. Thank you for your visits to California which I pray with be regular every year. Our sincere salutations to Sri Vijay Kapoorji, our Bay Area resident guru who tireless teaches us […]
Thank you Swamiji for this retreat where we can immerse ourselves at your feet and listen to the precious words that you speak. Our only wish is that it was longer. I know I speak on behalf of every shishya in this room. With your kindness, clarity and humor, you have expounded on the Kathopanishad with […]
HariH Om.Thank you Swamiji for 4 days of exposition on the Daivi and asuri tendencies that reside in each of our minds , as though in the battlefield of Kurukshetra., between Dharma and Adharma. As human beings, we have to gain the emotional maturity to claim the Daivi virtues which are our intrinsic nature and […]
Rishikesh By Zarina Kaji, 2011 On the banks of mother Ganga I find A serenity that is so divine The river gentle and calm at times Rushing like an impatient seeker sometimes At the feet of Pujya Swamiji we learn The truth of ourselves, That is shrouded so well. Wake up wake up a voice […]
A dedication to my Gurus Zarina Kaji Saylorsburg, PA October 2010 What is God I ask myself, Could he be high up in the sky? Of course not, I chide myself, For who then answers to all my “Whys”? So what is God, I ask myself. A mother’s touch, a gentle breeze A sunset and […]
The Truth By Zarina Kaji The truth I find in all that I see The oneness through all reality The thread that strings the pearls of life Like gold that pervades every ornament type The truth of all is to be understood and known As no different today than through the ages untold When both […]
The glory that is Ishwara By Zarina Kaji The rise and fall of the ocean and waves The Sun, the orb of life sustaining rays Who can doubt the genius of our Creator When the glory of his universe can be no clearer? The revolving galaxies in space abound With innumerable stars, impossible to count […]
Let love lead the way, let love lead the way By Zarina Kaji April 2011 To walk a path in another man’s shoes To understand another person’s woes To lend a helping hand and ear To listen with compassion even as he sheds a tear That is love that is love that is love all […]
Inspired by Swami TV’s lectures on Chandogya Upanishad By Zarina Kaji March 2010 Who am I that wakes each morn, To greet the sun as it rises at dawn? Am I the Sun, which rises each day Warming the earth, making the rain Feeding the beings, from the Earth making grain. I am the light […]
I Am By Zarina Kaji There is no depth to me, no length or size The shape and form have long met their demise The boundaries melt, nothing to defend There is no foe, only friends that depend That I am, the pure, the untainted, the One That pervades all that has nothing to be […]
Hey ! Mind…… Do Your Meditation Remember,You are the Consciousness,the Absolute SELF, Be conscious of “That” constantly consulting yourself O mind ! Don’t forget you are only It’s reflection, Acting and reacting in the rays of SELF affection. Knowing that Truth,why you get any agitation, Playing and praying,just do your meditation. Your body is made […]